
Biological Farming - Stuart Proud

"I remember back in University it was all chemistry and physics, whereas I think the biology plays such a massive role. I really hope that for the next generation of people that come through, more of that is emphasized." Stuart Proud - Biological farmer

Stuart Proud is the Viticulturist and winemaker for Thousand Candles in the Yarra Valley, along with his family project, Proud Primary Produce.  He follows biological farming practices, focusing on soil health and natural farming systems to produce exceptional fruit for great wines.

Stu discuss's the concept of biological farming, his influences in the switch to this appoach, value adding through better farm health and the first steps to take towards biological practices. 

Blooper cuts galore at the end of this episode!

Click the image to watch the video.

Aromatic Soil Biology - Buxton Black Truffles

"Having a good healthy soil is the key to having good aromatic truffles" Adrian Utter

Adrian Utter and his father Bob love the sweet smell of soil biology - Truffles that is.  Set in the Acheron Valley of Victoria, their Buxton Black Truffles tuffiere is a mix of oaks which are now close to 10 years old.  With the help of Lily, the truffle hound extraordinaire they go searching for the microbial jewels of the soil.

We talk soils, aromatics, tree establishment, the influence of Bob and put Lily to the test to hunt for truffles too. I wish we had smell-o -vision!
